CUSTOM Deep Tissue/Sports Massage
A customized approach for each client based on their individual needs, combining targeted deep tissue work with the relaxation techniques of a traditional Swedish massage.
Rapid Tension Relief / Percussive Therapy
This technique speeds recovery and improves muscle repair using a percussive massager. Quick volleys of concentrated pressure reach deep into the tissue and a rapid series of pulses will improve blood flow and reducing your post-workout recovery time. A great add-on to sports massage.
IASTM / Gua sha fascial scraping
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (Gua sha) improves soft tissue function and range of movement as well as reduces pain. It may reduce inflammation and is often used to treat ailments such as arthritis and fibromyalgia and those that trigger muscle and joint pain. Add-on to Sport Massage.
Custom Prenatal Massage
Prenatal massage can reduce feelings of depression and anxiety, help reduce edema and promote feelings of deep relaxation. This massage is geared towards soothing and nurturing expectant mothers and alleviating whatever areas of tension may present in the body may be presenting the most discomfort.
Oncology MASSAGE
Massage has been shown to help reduce the side effects caused by conventional cancer treatment, and improve quality of life and wellbeing. This massage is geared towards relaxing stress, nurturing aches and pains associated with treatment mothers and cultivating peace. Being a cancer survivor herself, Caitlin is particularly in tune with supporting patients during the multiple phases of initial diagnosis, treatment and recovery.
60-minutes FREE with a Cape Wellness Collaborative Voucher. Apply for this discounted treatment and other wellness services here. To book this service, please email cailtin@mindbodysea.net